HRaaS Framework Design and Development
A ERDF Welsh Government funded project, addressing the massive challenges for daily healthcare services care hospitality due to pandemic. The research aims to develop and pilot a novel smart robotic platform, HRaaS (Healthcare Robots as a Service), to perform frontline initial contacts, disinfection, assistive care services, human-robot companionship, distraction procedures, tele-care, home-healthcare and hospitality with human-machine learning an intelligent decision-making interface in hospital and care home settings.
We bring bionic-inspired robot into the real world.
We train and upskill healthcare staff to manage and work with AI as their personal assistants.
“A personalised healthcare companion, a robotic assistant to be installed in key hospitals & homes are recommended. The UK government to support the Universities-hospital-robotic industry collaborations. Universities and companies that have expertise in AI and robotics can partner with local hospitals to develop personalised robotic assistants.” (Chew, UK Parliament, 2018)
42 Training & Support Engaged 100 Healthcare staff & 5,000 public
14 Healthcare Robots working in real fields in Wales and Malaysia
Continued intervention to partners and stakeholders including patients and families
Seven Good practices and lessons learnt
Innovate services & new processes for partners
HRaaS FrameworkInnovate Services & Spin-In Comopany, API Robotics Ltd.
HRaaS with Tokku Zones as a base model for other organisations to reference from.
"The Medium is the Message...we shape our tools and then our tools shape us."
Marshall McLuhan (1964)
EUREKA Robotics Centre, Cardiff School of Technologies, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Western Ave, Cardiff CF5 2YB, UK
Email the Project Manager: David Hu at